zaterdag 2 oktober 2010

General Manfred George Taylor

General Manfred George Taylor is a renowned US army officer. He is one of the founding members of the American Rifle Association and an outspoken Republican, publicly supporting President Coolidge's actions during the Boston Police Strike, despite his obvious dislike for the man.

Born and bred in Manhattan, Taylor was instrumental in moving the Yankees to the New York borough and issued forth liberal financial support to help in the construction of Yankee Stadium and refreshment of the team.
Buying Babe Ruth from the Boston Red Sox proved an invaluable move in his personal haranguing of the President and it is rumoured that Taylor paid Ruth a $1000 reward for hitting the first home run in Yankee Stadium.

General Taylor's wife, MaryBeth Lowes, died giving birth to their only son, Joseph, in 1910, leaving in his care their two daughters, Margareth (°1895) and Ruth (°1897).

He is a stern and commanding man, having grown even more so after the death of his wife. Unyieldingly stubborn, it is virtually impossible to change the General's mind, except for his children whom he loves without bound and whom he can't say no to.

Manfred Taylor has recently taken to seldom travelling far from his Manhattan manor, being severely hampered by a sudden onset of gout.

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