zaterdag 2 oktober 2010

Jackson Elias

Jackson Elias is a writer and adventurer of some repute. A friendly man with a great appetite for life, Elias is outgoing and daring, not afraid to get into trouble and seldom backing down from a fight.

Although he seldom stays in one place very long, he frequently returns to the East Coast, mainly Connecticut and Massachusetts to catch up with his old archaeology student buddies for a hand of whist or some outdoor sports.

Elias specialises in researching the occult, specialising in death cults. His best know book, Sons of Death, exposes a Thuggee cult in modern-day India and he has a long list of similar books covering cults around the globe. The mostly emphasize the use of fear as the cultists most potent weapon, attributing the slaughter of innocents as a compensation for feelings of inadequacy and insanity.
Researching Masters of the Black Arts he spent some time in Africa with fellow Arkhamite Robert Pickwick, who was at the time investigating sources for his renowned Dark Mysteries of Middle Africa.

Jackson Elias has no living relates, nor does he have a permanent address. Any mail or communications directed to him are best left with his publisher at Prospero House.

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