zaterdag 30 oktober 2010

Henry West, PhD.

Dr. Henry West is an Egyptologist and fellow at Miskatonic University in Arkham. He mastered in ancient history, with an emphasis on languages. Although never having visited Egypt, he wrote his doctorate on discovery of several new mastaba tombs in the Nile Valley dating to the Early Dynastic Period.

A noted scholar of the earlier periods of Egyptian civilisation, Dr West has written various articles on obscure references in temple and tomb decorations referring to the presence or influence of a pre-dynastic culture, most noted of which is Out of Darkness to Light: a treaty on the origins of Early Dynastic Architecture.

West's great interest in the work of Nicola Tesla, Thomas Edison and Guglielmo Marconi have led him to attend many of Professor Eric Wood's lectures. Over the course of several of these seances on the Wood's new discoveries in electromagnetism and radio transmission West befriended the renowned MIT physicist. Henry West is presently engaged to wed Vivian Wood, Eric Wood's daughter.

Currently, Henry West is working on a book about the global presence of "his" ancient Egyptian culture, with references in Europe, the Indus Valley and South-East Asia.

In his spare time, West investigates curious cases with some of his former fellow students.

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